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Deputy Headteacher - Ethos, Culture, and Inclusion

Deputy Headteacher Job Description

Post: DEPUTY HEADTEACHER – Ethos, Culture and Inclusion

Salary: Leadership Range 21-25

Responsible To: Headteacher

Purpose of Job:

To lead and develop inclusion, safeguarding and a restorative approach to behaviour which positively impacts on the ethos and culture in the school community. To play a major role under the direction of the Headteacher in formulating the aims and objectives of the school, establishing the school and trust policies through which they shall be achieved. Managing staff and resources to achieve the aims and objectives of the school and monitor progress towards their achievement.

Introduction: The Deputy Headteacher will have delegated responsibilities which are both school wide and of considerable weight. This will be in addition to carrying out the professional duties of a Leader.

Specific Responsibilities:

To play a major role under the direction of the Headteacher in formulating the aims and objectives of the school.

  • To support and nurture our strategic focus on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). Ambition to achieve excellence in delivering an inclusive education.
  • Be an ambitious and effective leader who can deputise for the headteacher on an operational basis.
  • Lead and develop a culture of high expectations, ensure that it is consistently applied across the school to secure outstanding outcomes for all students, recognising that all students are unique and have different starting points. To ensure learning strategies are adapted to meet the needs of all our students.
  • Promote a positive ethos to ensure student progress.
  • Model through example, high expectations and a positive culture for both students and staff.
  • Embed the trauma perceptive practice (US approach) across all areas of the school.
  • Lead on the school’s behaviour curriculum to ensure that the school creates a safe, calm, orderly and positive environment. This will allow all students to feel safe, valued, heard and achieve their potential. To ensure strategies and systems promote and secure exemplary standards of behaviour for learning throughout the school community.
  • To ensure that all students are recognised for their achievements, academic and other. Rewards and recognition are used to support the school values of Community, Love of Learning and Character.
  • Lead on the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Personal Development curriculum including an effective SMSC provision, which supports the students to be global citizens. In collaboration with the Deputy Headteacher 6th Form, ensure inclusion and progress for all, at each key stage by offering a broad provision which is accessible to all and supports high aspirations.
  • Ensure students have opportunities for leadership in all key stages.
  • Ensure that form time is used appropriately and effectively.
  • Lead and promote school enrichment and extracurricular activities.
  • To lead safeguarding across the whole school, as the Designated Safeguarding Leader which includes but is not limited to:
  • Further embedding the positive culture of safeguarding.
  • Overseeing safeguarding procedures and processes across the school including the effective use of CPOMS.
  • Monitor safeguarding meetings,.
  • Lead and develop pastoral leadership at all levels, leading and monitoring Head of Year improvement plans, delivering training where required. Promote collaborative working, engaging with external agencies to ensure inclusive practice.
  • Lead and further develop a student mental health/wellbeing strategy engaging with various stakeholders.
  • To liaise with the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) and monitor the implementation of a high-quality strategy to secure good attendance.
  • Lead on, and further develop, the Alternative Provision including the development of a curriculum within a curriculum and effective external provisions.
  • Lead school representation at the local Behaviour and Attendance Panel.
  • Lead the Assistant Headteachers and other members of the SLT as directed by the headteacher.
  • Effectively line manage curriculum areas as directed by the headteacher.
  • Lead on school improvement strategies relating to ethos, culture and inclusion as well as supporting Trust initiatives.
  • Engage effectively with our internal and external school community to deepen a sense of partnership.
  • Oversee effective induction of new students including primary transition and mid-year admissions.
  • Be responsible for the development and review of all school policies relating to ethos, culture and inclusion.

Key Responsibilities

1. Core Purpose and Accountability

1.1. Establishing the policies through which they shall be achieved, managing staff and resources to achieve the aims and objectives of the school and monitor progress towards their achievement.

1.2. Undertake the professional duties of the Deputy Headteacher reasonably delegated to you by the Headteacher.

1.3. Undertake the professional duties of the Headteacher, in the event of their absence from the school.

1.4. In partnership with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team, provide professional leadership and management of Teaching and Learning throughout the school.

1.5. To provide professional leadership and management of School Development Plan priorities.

2. Generic/Teachers

2.1. You are to carry out the duties of a school teacher as set out in the Pay and Conditions Document and subject to any amendments due to Government legislation. This includes any duties as may be reasonably directed by the Headteacher and the accountabilities expected of class teachers at Brentwood County High School.

2.2. To facilitate and encourage learning which enables pupils to achieve high standards, to share and support the corporate responsibility for the well-being, education and discipline of all children.

2.3. All staff are expected to uphold the school’s principles and policies which underpin good practice and the raising of standards and are expected to uphold and promote the school’s aims and values.

2.4. All staff will be involved in working together, as part of a team, to develop areas of provision that impact positively on learning and teaching across the school.

2.5 All staff will take an active role in the School Self Evaluation process. As Deputy Headteacher you will be expected to be part of the school improvement team and help develop the School Self Evaluation process.

2.6. All staff are expected to actively undertake professional development through keeping abreast of the latest developments in schools by thinking, reflection, coaching and mentoring, self-evaluation and peer reviews.

3. Professional Development Process (PDP)

3.1. To undertake annual professional development process (PDP), setting and agreeing targets linked to school development plan priorities with the Headteacher.

4. Key Areas

4.1. Impact on Educational Progress:

a. Support the Headteacher in: Ensuring the vision for the school is clearly articulated, shared, understood and acted upon effectively by all Demonstrating the vision and values of the school in everyday work and practice Motivating and working with others to create a shared culture and positive climate.

b. Assist the Headteacher in the ongoing and annual review of standards of leadership, teaching and learning in specific areas of responsibility and across all areas of school provision, consistent with the procedures in the school self-evaluation policy.

c. Create subject curriculum development plans which contribute positively to the achievement of the School Improvement Plan, and which actively involves all staff in its design and execution.

d. Develop and implement policies and practices for the curriculum area(s) which reflects the school’s commitment to high achievement and is consistent with national and local strategies and policies.

e. Promote high expectations for progress and attainment.

f. Establish short, medium and long term plans for the development and resourcing for the specific areas of responsibility.

g. Monitor the progress made in achieving subject/area plans and targets and evaluate the effect on teaching and learning.

h. Work with outside agencies and stakeholders to inform future action.

4.2. Leading learning and teaching, developing, and enhancing the teaching practice of others:

a. Work with the Headteacher to raise the quality of teaching and learning and pupil’s achievement, setting high expectations and monitoring and evaluating effectiveness of learning outcomes.

b. Provide regular feedback for colleagues in a way which recognises good practice and supports their progress against professional and performance management objectives resulting in a tangible impact on students learning.

c. Develop whole staff, phase teams and individuals to enhance performance. Undertake coaching and mentoring plan, organise and deliver staff meetings, where necessary bringing in outside speakers to keep abreast of the latest developments in the area and disseminate information effectively to other members of staff.

d. Plan, delegate and evaluate work carried out by team(s) and individuals.

e. Create, maintain and enhance effective relationships.

f. Recruit and select teaching and support staff.

4.3. Securing Accountability

a. Work with the Headteacher to ensure the school’s accountability to a wide range of groups, particularly parents, carers, governors, Trust and OFSTED; ensuring that pupils enjoy and benefit from a high quality education, for promoting collective responsibility within the whole school community.

  • Develop a school ethos which follows the Trust values and enables everyone to work collaboratively, share knowledge and understanding, celebrate success and accept responsibility for outcomes.
  • Work with the Local Governing Body and Trust (providing information, objective advice and support) to enable it to meet its responsibilities.
  • Develop and present a coherent, understandable and accurate account of the school’s performance to a range of audiences including Trust, governors, parents and carers.
  • Reflect on personal contribution to school achievements and take account of feedback from others.

b. Agree, monitor and evaluate the subject pupil progress targets to make a measurable contribution to whole school targets.

c. Engage all staff in the creation, consistent implementation and improvement in schemes of work and curriculum plans which encapsulates key school learning strategies.

d. Provide guidance on a choice of teaching and learning methods / strategies including:

  • Coaching and mentoring; modelling and demonstrating excellent teaching practice. Act as a consultant for other staff. Undertake shared planning and team teaching. In line with Trust expectations for implementing systems for recording individual pupil’s progress.

e. Evaluate the quality of teaching and standards of achievement, setting targets for improvement.

4.4. Resource Management

a. Work with the Headteacher to provide effective organisation and management of the school and seek ways to improve organisational structures and functions based on rigorous self-evaluation.

b. Work with the Headteacher to ensure the school and the people and resources within it are organised and managed to provide an efficient, effective and safe learning environment.

c. Oversee and evaluate the subject/area budget allocation to ensure the budget is spent in line with subject/area learning priorities and best value principles.

d. Secure and allocate resources to support effective learning and teaching within the subject area(s).

e. Monitor and control the use of resources and budget according to the school’s and trust’s agreed financial procedures.

4.5. Developing Self and Working with Others

a. Work with the Headteacher to build a professional learning community which enables others to achieve.

b. As an SLT Link, support staff, within your team and within the whole school, in achieving high standards through effective continuing professional development.

c. Be committed to your own professional development.

d. Implement successful performance management processes with allocated team of staff Treat people fairly, equitably and with dignity and respect to create and maintain a positive school culture.

e. Build a collaborative learning culture within the school and actively engage with other schools within the Trust and outside to build effective learning communities.

f. Acknowledge the responsibilities and celebrate the achievements of individuals and teams.

g. Develop and maintain a culture of high expectations for self and others.

h. Regularly review own practice, set personal targets and take responsibility for own professional development.

4.6. Achievement of Pupils

a. Evaluate analysis of data to identify barriers to learning and suggest ways to address these.

b. Monitor the progress of pupils throughout the year, identifying gaps and any underachievement alongside middle leaders (through classroom learning visits, book scrutiny, discussion with pupils, teachers and leaders).

4.7. Strengthening Community

a. Work with the Headteacher to engage with the internal and external school community to secure equity, equality and entitlement.

b. Work with the Headteacher to collaborate with other schools and organisations in order to share expertise and bring positive benefits to their own and other schools.

c. Work with the Headteacher to work collaboratively at both strategic and operational levels with parents and carers and across multiple agencies for the well-being of all children.

5. Assessment

a. Develop and maintain a whole school approach to assessment and target setting.

b. Analyse assessment data from a variety of sources to inform whole school planning and resourcing.

c. Present assessment data to a range of stakeholders.

d. Develop ways in which parents can be informed about attainment.

e. Evaluate analysis of data to identify barriers to learning and suggest ways to address these.

f. Monitor the progress of pupils throughout the year, identifying gaps and any underachievement (through book scrutinises, planning checks, observation, discussion with pupils etc).

g. Organise Performance Management Review meetings and evaluate outcomes.

h. Work with a range of staff to analyse assessment data.

i. Contribute to discussions with the Local Governing Body and Trust.

j. Co-ordinate informal and formal assessment arrangements.

6. Duties for Deputy Headteacher

6.1. To provide professional leadership and management of a key area of the School Improvement Plan as agreed, on an annual basis, with the Headteacher.

6.2. To be responsible for behaviour policy & practice across the school.

6.3. To provide professional leadership and management of the Curriculum.

6.4. To take an active role in the Schools Leadership Team, contributing to the development of identified areas leading to high standards of teaching, effective use of resources and improved standards of learning and achievement for all children.

6.5. To lead the Performance Management of a group of teachers.